How to Make that Student Loan go Further
When your student loan comes into your account it can be an exciting time. All that money sat there and what will you do with it? There are always the stories of…
Prep for Paddy’s Day!
“Mum, I met an Irish boy on St Patrick’s Day”.. Oh really?… “No O’Reilly!!” Get raiding your wardrobes for everything green because St Patricks day is almost here, Saturday 17th March! Except…
Veg Curry o’clock
Ignore the take-away apps this weekend and save a bit of money by making your own curry! You need just five ingredients to whip up this tasty veggie sensation in no time…
Chilli and Worcestershire Con Carne
Ingredients A little oil 1 onion, finely chopped 1 level tablespoon of chilli powder 500g lean minced meat 1 yellow and red pepper, sliced 1 celery stick, chopped 1 red chilli, chopped…
One Pan Spinach & Chickpea Curry
Ingredients 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 large onion, thinly sliced 3 large garlic cloves, chopped 1 piece of ginger, chopped finely 2 teaspoons of garam masala 1 teaspoon of cumin Dash of…
Reducing the amount of meat in your diet can transform your health and the planet. Here’s our one pan Spanish Quinoa. Ingredients A dash of virgin olive oil 3 chopped garlic cloves…
Doddle Mexican Bean Burgers
Ingredients 2 cans kidney beans, drained and rinsed 100g breadcrumbs 2 teaspoons mild chili powder 1 egg, beaten Small bunch coriander, stalks and leaves finely chopped 200g tub fresh salsa Low fat…
Easy Bean Soup
Ingredients 1 tablespoon of virgin olive oil 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped 1 finely chopped onion 1 touch of paprika, as it gives a smoky flavour without the heat of cayenne….
Simple Chicken Risotto
Ingredients 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil 700g or thereabouts of skinless and boneless chicken breast, chopped into 1 inch chunks 1 celery stick, chopped 1 carrot chipped 1 red pepper chopped Creamy…
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